Walking in Your God-Given Purpose

This comprehensive digital devotional guide is designed to help you connect more deeply with your faith and discover the unique path God has destined for you. Through this guide, you'll explore scriptural insights, engage in meaningful reflections, and take actionable steps to enhance your divine assignment.

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    Regina E. Coley

    CEO of MotivatHER Inc.

    Who am I?

    I am Regina Coley, CEO of MotivatHER Inc.

    I am Regina Coley, a passionate advocate for women’s empowerment, faith, and leadership. As the CEO of MotivatHER Inc., my mission is to inspire and equip women and girls to understand their significance, radiate their brilliance, and make their mark!

    Through MotivatHER Inc. and the Significance Series podcast, I share my journey, insights, and resources to help you unearth your worth, develop your leadership, and live out your God-given purpose with confidence and grace.

    Thank you for joining our community, and I am excited to support you on your journey to becoming the remarkable woman God created you to be.

    What will you learn?

    • Identify Your Purpose: Gain clarity on your God-given gifts and how to use them.
    • Deepen Your Faith: Strengthen your relationship with God through daily devotions.
    • Embrace Your Worth: Understand and affirm your intrinsic value as a child of God.
    • Live with Intentionality: Implement practical steps to live out your purpose with confidence and impact.